15KW Whole House Active Solar Kit In India


Despite India's ambitious plans in the whole house active solar kit industry, incoherent policies, uninnovative laws and a locked-in tax system have sounded the death knell for this emerging industry.


India is committed to producing 100 gigawatts of whole house active solar kit by 2022. The country plans to produce 175 gigawatts of whole house active solar kit as part of a renewable resource production plan. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said he wants India to become a solar cell manufacturing center. A report by KPMG shows that solar power meets national strategic needs. By 2030, the country can save $ 20 billion in fossil fuel imports each year, and domestic manufacturing can save $ 42 billion in equipment imports. According to the report, solar manufacturing will add 50,000 jobs in the next 5 years.


solar power system kit for home


However, wills and actions vary widely. In 2017, after waiting for several years, seeing that the production of whole house active solar kit in India is hopeless, Peter decided to import solar panels to power a home from China. Peter works in Bahrain. He has a villa in India. The solar system will be installed in his home in India. This is a 15KW solar panels to power a home for various loads in his home. The load situation is shown in the table below.

solar power system kit for home


Peter is usually very busy with his work, so that every time Mas Solar staff ask him the running status for solar panels to power a home, he has no time to reply. By 2020, because of COVID-19, Peter's business needs to be temporarily suspended. The virus has spread all over the world, and transportation, economic and social activities have stopped in most regions. Peter had to stay at his home in India. At this time, we sent us the installation picture and operation of the solar panels to power a home. "Now we have enough water and food, and solar power system kit for home, even if we stay at home for a few weeks, it has no effect on our lives." Peter said.

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