3KW Best Starter Solar Kit In Nigeria


Nigeria has many characteristics that attract developers of renewable energy projects: abundant resource potential and strong power demand, recent power industry reforms, and generous feed-in tariff subsidy policies and other incentives.Therefore, many Nigerian families have installed best starter solar kit.


3kw solar kit


Abdullah is a Nigerian who works in the UK. He found our company in January 2019 and sent an inquiry. He wants to install a best starter solar kit in Nigeria, and he will return to live in Nigeria during the holidays. If not holiday time, no one is at home.His main household load is a 1HP air conditioner and some lights for lighting. After understanding his needs, our company's sales accurately recommended the 3kw best starter solar kit to him, and listed the calculation methods. Air conditioners is inductive loads,the peak power is 3 times higher than the rated power. Because all loads need to be connected to the inverter, it is necessary to configure an inverter with sufficient power, so 1hp * 0.75kw * 3times = 2.25KW.Then the closest power is 3KW.

 solar system manufacturer

Abdullah agrees with our professional recommendation. The order was placed and shipped to Abdullah soon.In December, Abdullah sent me feedback through WhatsApp, and at the same time proposed the idea of expanding 3KW solar kit to 5KW capacity.

Choose Mas, choose professional solar system manufacturer.

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