5KW Solar System Electricity In Jamaica


Jamaica is highly dependent on imported oil to meet its energy needs. The cost of imported oil accounts for 30% of GDP, 87% of the country’s foreign exchange, and 36% of all imported goods. The rise in world oil prices, the increase in local fuel demand, and the shortage of financial funds have prompted Jamaica to urgently explore the diversification of energy sources.


solar energy


In the field of solar energy, Jamaica has launched a photovoltaic demonstration program and provided off-grid power supply. There are 8 solar system electricity contractors and 9 water heater system contractors. 183 kilowatts of civilian solar system electricity and 104 kilowatts of small commercial solar system electricity have been installed. About 7,800 residents have installed solar water heaters. Solar system electricity and water heaters have been installed in Cornwall Regional Hospital and other places.



John is a savvy businessman who runs an import and export company in Jamaica, importing high-quality and inexpensive Chinese furniture and building materials from China and selling them to Jamaica. As the electricity bills for private houses in Jamaica become more and more expensive, John hopes to use solar systems electricity to save electricity bills. He believes that solar panels can be used for 25 years, and other components can be used for 5-10 years. Then, adding up all the investments, it is a very cost-effective thing to get a stable power supply for only a few dollars a day on average. After discussion, he determined that he needed a 5KW solar system electricity. The mains voltage in Jamaica is quite special. Most countries have 220V/230V/240V electricity, while there are both 120V and 240V electricity in Jamaica. Therefore, it is necessary to make some special designs for his voltage, which can not be troubled by the professional engineers of Mars Solar. John installed and used this 5KW solar panel kit, and told Mars Solar’s ​​sales engineer:I started to use the system in April 28,Everything is working good, System continues to run 24hrs. Good job! Hear the customer’s comments like this , We feel very happy. Customer satisfaction is the greatest pursuit of Mars Solar.



Do you also want to get a set of 24hrs uninterrupted solar panel kit? Please contact us soon!

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