5KW Solar Panel Kit In Zimbabwe


           On August 1, Phase I of the Zimbabwe Central Power Grid 25 MW solar panel kit project was successfully connected to the grid for power generation. The power generated by the solar panel kit was connected to the Zimbabwe National Grid via a 33 kV transmission line. In recent years, Zimbabwe and neighboring countries have encountered rare droughts, and the efficiency of hydropower generation has continued to decline. In order to encourage the people of Zimbabwe to use solar panel kit, the Zimbabwean government implements zero tariffs on solar panel kit and other solar products imported from abroad, but requires that solar panel kit  must pass ABBA certification before they can enter the Zimbabwe market. ABBA certification is conducted by three world-class testing and certification companies, SGS, TUV, and Interk, who conduct laboratory testing and on-site inspection of solar panel kit products to be exported to Zimbabwe. Only through testing and on-site inspection can ABBA certification be obtained.



solar system manufacturer



An elementary school in Harare, Zimbabwe, received a grant. The money was used to purchase a 5KW complete solar system to provide electricity for the school’s classrooms. It can also be used as a teaching aid for students to learn about the components and complete solar system working principle, in addition, it can also provide students with education on the use of environmentally friendly new energy. After many comparisons and investigations, the school selected Mars Solar as the supplier of the complete solar system. Mars complete solar system uses raw materials imported from Japan and adopts German production technology to produce complete solar system. Therefore, it successfully passed SGS testing and inspection, and obtained ABBA certification. After 60 days of shipping the complete solar system, the school successfully obtained the well-packaged solar power kit.



Mars Solar provided detailed installation drawings of the solar power kit. The school’s electricians installed the 5KW solar power kit under the installation drawings and online guidance from Mars’ technicians. The solar power kit provides electricity for classrooms and teachers’ offices, and schools no longer need to turn on the noisy diesel generators due to power outages. The solar power kit has been welcomed by students and teachers.


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