25KW Industrial Solar System In Mauritania


Majed’s clients have a laboratory,have non stop power,but have some instability for electricity and the electricity are expensive.Before he used 30KVA 3phase generator,now he want to replacing diesel generators with 25KW 3phase industrial solar system.He think lithium battery have longer use life(10-12years),but the price is higher.Gel battery have shorter use life(5-6years),the price is lower,Majed’s industrial solar system project have limit for the budget,so he use gel battery now,he hope the lithium battery will be more cheaper after the gel battery life use up.



solar system manufacturer



In this 25KW 3phase industrial solar power system,we use IGBT 3phase inverter.The inverter use Japan brand IGBT and Germany thyristor.We can see in this video,what are the items inside industrial solar power system inverter?




Now this 25KW industrial solar system supply power for the fridge,freezer,kinds of machine for the laboratory.Majed think Mars 25KW 3phase industrial solar power system are very smart with many functions.

industrial solar power system

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