Better Performance Solar System Than Competitors,Feedback from Lebanon Engineer

In 2021, an energy crisis broke out in Lebanon. Due to the shortage of power resources, residents only use electricity for 2 hours a day. In other times, everyone is in the environment of power shortage and tries to solve the inconvenience caused by power shortage.

Suddenly, people have turned their attention to the off grid solar conversion kit, which can generate and store electricity.


solar system manufacturer


The main characteristics of off grid solar conversion kit are

1. It is applicable to areas without power or with unstable power

2. with battery, which can be charged during the day and used at night

3. If there is mains power access, you can choose the working mode of mains power priority or solar system priority. When the mains power is cut off or the battery is not enough, the solar conversion kit will automatically switch to the another power supply to ensure stable power.


Our customers have companies in Lebanon and surrounding countries. After seeing the current situation of electricity in Lebanon, they decided to expand the scope of products, add solar conversion kit products to their business scope, and strive to bring reliable quality and real service solar products for the Lebanese people.


They know that there are many companies making solar products in the market, and the competition is very fierce. Mars solar system products are not the cheapest. They know this very well. They said, "we know only with good price we can win the market, but if only good price without good quality, you can just win one time. What's more, our original intention is to bring good solar system products to our people, help them solve the problem of power shortage."

”We believe your quality control, professional design and rich experience will help us.  Let’s work together, let products speak for us”.


After receiving the solar system, they help customers install and test without stopping.

The person in charge of purchasing told our salesman, "they are all complaining about the high price."

A week later, the installation engineer sent a feedback "your solar panels performance is better than other competitors."

“low frequency inverter price is higher than high frequency inverter, but yes, it does really better”.

“I just want to tell you that your goods are very good”.


We are most happy that our solar system products are affirmed by professional power engineers. At the same time, after seeing the installation effect, people in the market ordered solar system products one after another. Now, we are preparing the second order.


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